Devotee Experiences

  Sri Venugopala Swamy had gone well in advance to the place of incident  
M.M. Mahesh Kumar
Plot No. 48, Electronic city, Bangalore, Karnataka.

Six years back, I had a heart ailment. Four valves of my heart were blocked. It is a very serious heart problem. Doctors prescribed for immediate surgery. At that time, it so happened that I met Sri Tirupathi Venkata Raju garu. He gave me courage and told that if I meet Bhagavan Sri Sri Sri Ramadutha Swamiji, I would be able to get a favorable solution for my health problem. I immediately agreed to his suggestion and had darsan of Swamiji through him. The moment Swamijisaw me, He told that I have a very serious unhealthy heart condition. He told not to get afraid of it and advised me to perform (3) Vratham (pooja) immediately in my home. I apprised Swamiji about what doctors have said about my condition and the urgency of operation. Swamiji ordained me to invite a large number of couples and perform the pooja in the presence of them. Also, He said that I could think of going for operation after performing the pooja.

As per the ordainment of Swamiji, immediately, I performed the pooja with large number of couples present. Sri Tirupathi Venkata Raju garu performed the pooja himself. In fire (1) flame of Homam , Paramaguru Sri Venugopala Swamiji appeared and blessed. Sri Ramadutha Swamiji told me that, as I was blessed by a large number of couples, there was no necessity to go for operation at all and I would get cured of my heart ailment. As per Swamiji'sspell, my health problem was solved.

Doctors reexamined me and were astonished once they realized that there there were no blocks in my heart at all. They could not explain as to how that marvel did happen. From that day, I have been going to Swamiji frequently and receiving His blessings.

Bhagavan Sri Sri Sri Ramadutha Swamiji is visible God who graced me with Health and longevity.
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